About the Abbé Lecoutre website
The content of this site corresponds to the content of the digital book:
Les Amis de l’abbé Lecoutre is a de facto association which is the author of this site, within the meaning of Articles L 111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Many thanks to Jean-Marc Pierru for his guided tour of Saint-Quentin church. His meticulous work in recording Abbé Lecoutre’s inscriptions (Pierru 2023) was an invaluable guide, drawing our attention to several aspects of his work and to details we might otherwise have missed.
Pierru J.-M. (2023) – L’église Saint-Quentin de Wirwignes – Un exemple remarquable de l’art naïf, œuvre d’un prêtre bâtisseur – Aperçu historique et guide de la visite. Wirwignes: IPNS.
Thanks to Thibaud Dapremont and Sarra Mezhoud, doctoral students in art history, for their collection of documents on Abbé Lecoutre.
A special mention to Alain Bernard Lecoutre for his contribution to the genealogy of Abbé Lecoutre.