The story of Abbé Lecoutre.

The cure’s grave, just outside the church on the north side, bears this inscription: « A la mémoire de M. l’Abbé Paul Lecoutre, curé de Wirwignes pendant 43 ans, 1863-1906, pieusement décédé dans sa paroisse le 12 Novembre 1906, dans sa 77e année; » but the church is his real monument, for it will long preserve his memory (Craufurd, Manton & Manton 1914 page 76).

The sobriety of Abbé Lecoutre’s tomb and his epitaph, desired by those close to him, reflects his virtues of devotion and humility.

It invites us to pay tribute to this extraordinary man, and to reflect on his human qualities, in particular « his intelligent zeal and uncommon artistic sense, and his admirable tenacity, » which the Dean of Desvres underlined during his funeral.

La tombe de l’abbé lecoutre
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Abbé Lecoutre and Saint-Quentin church in Wirwignes